Auto Approval and Denial

So you want to automatically approve photos? Great, you are in the right place :) With what's nearly as simple as flipping a switch, we can activate auto approval. Before we do, there is some crucial information that you need to understand in order to make an informed decision. Please read and understand the following article before reading on: 

Green Gets Approved, Red Gets Denied

When we activate Auto Approval, all the photos classified with a green status bar are automatically approved without any human intervention. The same is true for Auto Denial. Only the photos classified with a red status bar are automatically denied. In both cases, you get to kick back, take a well deserved rest, and let Helper Bot do his thing! 

Customize Your Thresholds

You may find the default thresholds work. However, we give you the option to tweak the thresholds as needed. If you find that Helper Bot is being too lenient with his judgements, you can tune the threshold to a higher level, like 90%. This makes it harder for a photo to be automatically approved and creates more yellow photos within CloudCard. Maybe your ID photo standards are more relaxed and Helper Bot is being too strict. We can tune him down to a lower level, like 70%. This allows more photos to automatically get approved.

Should I Flip The Switch? 

We recommend that you take some time to get familiar with Helper Bot. Then, if you feel comfortable, by all means turn auto approval on! Every card office is different, so it is difficult to give a definitive answer to this question. We think the feature is amazing! One thing to remember: Once we get enough photos, we can customize a Helper Bot to your specific organization. He will be trained on all your photos, thus making him extremely accurate! 

Your choice of turning on Auto Approval, Auto Denial, or both will determine the types of photos that appear in  the "pending" queue. Below is a break down: 

  • Turn Auto Approval on - yellow and red photos appear in the "pending" queue.
  • Turn Auto Denial on - green and yellow photos appear in the "pending" queue.
  • Turn Auto Approval and Denial on - only yellow photos appear in the "pending" queue. 

If you feel your organization is ready for Auto Approval/Denial please contact us at and we can take care of that for you!

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