Approving Photos

You can approve photos from the "photos" tab of the application

This is what a typical pending photos page will look like within CloudCard. The photos got there through sending photo invites to cardholders.

1. Individually approve photos.

By clicking the thumbs up button, you approve the cardholder's photo. This method would require the administrator to individually approve every photo.

2. Approve all the green photos at once.

Clicking the "approve all green photos" button will approve all the green photos that are currently in CloudCard. We know, it's still a shocker for us too 😜

3.  Approve all of the selected photos

Clicking the checkbox in the upper left hand corner of the CloudCard will select all of the pending photos. The administrator can then scroll through the photos and uncheck the boxes that should not be approved. Once all the bad photos have been unselected, you can approve all the good photos with the click of a button. See below:

Editing A Submitted Photo

Though we discourage cardholders from editing their photo, we certainly don't have a problem with card offices changing an image. Sometimes it's just important get a better look at the photo that you are processing. In order to see the photo zoomed in, click on the image in the pending photos page. 

On this screen you can now edit the photo. Helper Bot will look at the edited photo and re-classify it. 

Once a photo is approved (with any of the 3 methods listed above), CloudCard will automatically send a confirmation email to the cardholder letting them know that their photo has been approved! Approval emails could look something like this: 

*William & Mary is not a CloudCard customer. However, they are the alma matter of our product owner. We are sending this out into the universe hoping they might come on board in the future 🙂

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