How to generate a list of active cardholders

If you are looking to bulk archive or anonymize users because you routinely wipe users and add new ones each year, or quarter, this feature can be very beneficial.

First you want to navigate to Dashboards > *dashboard you want to get data from (ex. default)*

Here you can access all of the data within your organization. The data we want is under Cardholders.

Next you want to navigate to the three dots in a vertical line at the top right corner of the *All_Cardholders_Not _Archived* box. Here you will see the Export CSV button.

After selecting this CloudCard will create a csv that contains all users that are not archived. You can now upload that csv into the bulk import and choose what default action you would like (Ex. anonymize, delete, or archive). This is quick way to reorganize your organization for new users!

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