How do I bulk archive and anonymize users?

Bulk Action allows you to create a batch of users and send photo invitations to those users via email. A useful feature of bulk action is using it to archive or anonymize users all at once. Click here for a way to generate a csv of all active users. Here is a short explanation on how to do this.

What is Archiving?

Archiving is a feature that saves the users data and disables them as an active user. This can be helpful when you want to keep someone in you organization for later use but would like to use their email elsewhere to create another account. An specific example of a use case for archiving is there can be a former or current student of a university who came on as an intern there. They are having trouble creating a new user for the creation of an intern id. Archiving can be a great solution to save that last user but allow for them to create that new one for the familiar intern.

You can find this button under People > *select person you wish to archive* > Archive (Seen below)

What is Anonymizing?

Anonymizing is a feature that allows for you to redact or "unlink" the users data from the database. This is not as recommended considering you may want to use their data later. Anonymizing a user removes any information that would identify the person, but does not remove their photos. This enables us to train the AI tools on your organization’s data without retaining PII. *This cannot be undone*

It will delete the following:

  • Email Address, Username, Identifier
  • Custom field values
  • Additional Photos (government IDs, signatures, whatever your organization has configured here)
  • Person history logs, except those that enable us to verify that a person’s photos have been deleted.

*Note that you cannot anonymize a user until you have first archived them first*

Using Bulk Action for Archiving and Anonymizing Users

Using bulk action is simple and is laid out in this article here.

First navigate to People > Bulk Import

What is a CSV?

The bulk import requires that you upload a CSV file. Generating a CSV file typically occurs through your organizations Information System. A few things to remember when creating your CSV file: 

  1. CloudCard will provision accounts for all the people included in the CSV file. 
  2. The header rows of the CSV file must match the custom fields in CloudCard. 
  3. All that CloudCard needs included in the CSV file is the cardholders email and identifier (or ID number). 

Below is an example CSV File: 

Now that you know what a csv file is we can now upload it by clicking on the button below:

Now that your file is uploaded you have some options to choose...

Send Invitations Emails To:

Here you can select if you want to send Welcome Emails to New Users, All Users or No Users.

Default Action:

Here is where you select what Bulk Action you are performing. You can Create and Update, Create, Update, Archive, Restore, Anonymize, or Delete.

Has Header Row:

If your CSV file has header row, select Yes. If your CSV file does not have a header row, select No.

Select field:

This is where you will want to map the fields of what headers you put in your csv field (ex. email/ ID).

The important part of this whole process to what default action you choose. If you would like to anonymize or archive a bulk of cardholders to make room for new accounts for existing or new users this is the best way to do it! Just simply click on default actions and select what action you would like to execute!

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